Missions Across the Street and Across the World
Reaching Our World for Christ
Our Missions Team is concerned for those who do not know Jesus Christ, whether they live across the street or across the world. We meet monthly to consider how to share the Gospel, to pray for those who do not know Him, and to decide how to promote the Good News.
We invite missionaries and mission organizations to speak to us about their ministry from local to worldwide.
Annually we produce at least 1500 gift bags for children and women to be distributed to:
The Phoenix Rescue Mission
The Phoenix Dream Center
The Neighborhood Ministries of Phoenix
We collect items for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box project.
We support the sanctity of life through giving to the Choices Pregnancy Center of Greater Phoenix. (SEE MORE HERE)
Annually we produce at least 1500 gift bags for children and women to be distributed to:
The Phoenix Rescue Mission
The Phoenix Dream Center
The Neighborhood Ministries of Phoenix
We collect items for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box project.
We support the sanctity of life through giving to the Choices Pregnancy Center of Greater Phoenix. (SEE MORE HERE)
Each December we collect and distribute over 1000 pairs of socks to donate to the homeless and needy through our local missions support of Phoenix Rescue Mission, Phoenix Dream Center, Valley View Community Food Bank and others.
We regularly sponsor informative seminars for local residents on issues of expanding quality of health, end of life decisions, estate planning and more.
Our Griefshare Ministry invites local residents experiencing the loss of a loved one and helps them cope with that life change. (SEE MORE HERE)
We regularly collect food items for the Valley View Community Food Bank (SEE MORE HERE) and gently used household goods and clothing for The Phoenix Dream Center, Neighborhood Ministries and the food bank.
We support the Fellowship of Christian Athletes discipleship program for students (junior high - college) by providing Bibles in the Northwest Valley of Phoenix.
We regularly sponsor informative seminars for local residents on issues of expanding quality of health, end of life decisions, estate planning and more.
Our Griefshare Ministry invites local residents experiencing the loss of a loved one and helps them cope with that life change. (SEE MORE HERE)
We regularly collect food items for the Valley View Community Food Bank (SEE MORE HERE) and gently used household goods and clothing for The Phoenix Dream Center, Neighborhood Ministries and the food bank.
We support the Fellowship of Christian Athletes discipleship program for students (junior high - college) by providing Bibles in the Northwest Valley of Phoenix.
Organizations We Support Locally
Rainbow Acres
Rainbow Acres is a Christian community for adults with developmental disabilities for over 40 years, based in Camp Verde, Arizona. In addition, Rainbow Acres offers its residents programs and activities that challenge them to strive to reach their fullest physical, emotional and spiritual potential.
Phoenix Rescue Mission
The Phoenix Rescue Mission is a place of hope, healing, and new beginnings for men, women, and children in our community struggling with homelessness, addiction, and trauma. PRM is a leading provider of Christ-centered life transforming solutions to persons facing hunger, homelessness, addiction, and trauma.
Tonto Rim Christian Camp
Year-round and full service Christian camping and conference center located 15 miles outside of Payson, Arizona, adjacent to the Tonto National Forest, offers accommodations for over 200 overnight guests. Tonto Rim Camp provides programming for children, youth and adults and offers accommodations for church groups.
Valley View Community Food Bank
The need for food has increased in the past year and continues to rise each month. This important ministry supplies food for 125 – 160 families a day, five days a week. We collect for WVCFB regularly with collection bins located in the Hoover Hall entrance.
Most Needed Items:
Canned Meats: (potted meats, chicken, tuna)
Canned fruit, Peanut Butter, Jelly
Canned tomatoes
Baby Food, diapers, formula
Canned Beans: chili, pinto, re-fried
Toiletries (toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, etc.)
Canned Meats: (potted meats, chicken, tuna)
Canned fruit, Peanut Butter, Jelly
Canned tomatoes
Baby Food, diapers, formula
Canned Beans: chili, pinto, re-fried
Toiletries (toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, etc.)
Neighborhood Ministries
The mission of Neighborhood Ministries is to be the presence of Jesus Christ, sharing his life-transforming hope, love, and power among distressed families of urban Phoenix to ignite their passion for God and His Kingdom. Programs meet the community’s most basic needs including food and clothing and youth programs and empowerment programs provide case management, academic support, and workforce development.
Dream Center of Phoenix
Goal: “To find a need and fill it, to find a hurt and heal it” In 2006 a small group began with community based outreach services, providing daily feedings to the homeless and at risk youth in the community. These outreaches soon led to the need to provide housing services with sobriety, life recovery and medical services soon to follow. Beginning initially with housing 60 people and outreach services reaching 500 in the streets with food, they were able to grow the model to eventually provide housing to over 450 each night and reaching 36,000 in the community each month with critical food and hospitality based services.
THRIVE Arizona
Since opening its doors in August of 2016, Phoenix-based Thrive AZ has made it their mission to change the lives of countless Arizona families for the better. Thrive AZ has played an integral role in foster care prevention, biological family reunification, and services for the aged out by connecting deserving families and youth with critical resources and support that would otherwise be out of reach.
Arizona Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCA exists to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
We also take seriously the need to financially support missions. Our church has a policy that 12% of all General Fund giving automatically is placed into the Missions budget. The Missions Team has set up the various organizations and missionaries that we support, as approved by the congregation.
If at the end of the calendar year there is a General Fund surplus for that year, then an additional percent is directed toward Missions. Special Missions designated offerings by our members and donors is also available (subject to IRS regulations).
If at the end of the calendar year there is a General Fund surplus for that year, then an additional percent is directed toward Missions. Special Missions designated offerings by our members and donors is also available (subject to IRS regulations).
Organizations We Support Nationally
Transformation Ministries
A growing movement of churches, submitted to Biblical authority, empowering each other to effectively reach their worlds for Jesus Christ, currently about 200 churches throughout 13 states. Their focus is on three priorities: leader development, church health, and kingdom multiplication. Our congregation affiliates with Transformation Ministries.
Village Missions
Supporting small rural congregations throughout the United States. Village Missions exist to glorify Jesus Christ by developing spiritually vital churches in rural North America. The objective is to reach the entire community; therefore, denominational issues are avoided. The missionary/pastor is to become an integral part of community life, winning the friendship and confidence of the people. He is to be the spiritual leader, providing opportunity for all to hear and respond to the Gospel.
Organizations We Support Globally

Aaron & Amy Trout
AARON and AMYESTELLE are endorsed to serve in evangelism and discipleship alongside IM partners in the Philippines. In partnership with the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches (CPBC), Aaron will be a resource and support for local churches in discipleship and general ministry. He will use his gifts and professional experience in art to engage with and nurture local artists. AmyEstelle will use her administrative giftings and various ministry experiences to work alongside local schools and churches to mentor and disciple young women, teenagers, and children through various activities such as Bible studies and music. They look forward to partnering with the CPBC schools to equip and support national pastors and ministry leaders through the satellite seminary school.

Thailand & Laos (IM)
In Laos, Lori and Matt work with street children, slum children, and girls who have been sold or are at high risk of being sold to human traffickers. In order to help protect and restore these children, the Mann’s are involved in five main interventions: a day time drop-in center for street and slum children; residential care for boys who were brought off the street and for girls who were victims of human trafficking or are at high risk of being victims; a scholarship program for children who would otherwise be sent to the city to beg; and raising community awareness about issues such as child abuse, child exploitation, and human trafficking. In Thailand, Matt is also involved in leadership development and rural community development.

Operation Mobilization
Operation Mobilization traces its roots to the prayers of an American housewife. In the 1950s, Dorothea Clapp began to pray faithfully for the students in her local High School. She asked God to touch the world through the lives of those young people. And God answered her prayers! Mrs. Clapp gave a copy of the Gospel of John to one of those students, who later gave his life to the Lord at a Billy Graham meeting. That young man was George Verwer, the founder of Operation Mobilization. Today, 5,000+ workers, representing more than 100 nationalities, serve in the OM family of ministries, bringing God’s unchanging truth to literally millions every year.

Mission Aviation Fellowship
There are people who, simply because of where they were born, will never have the chance at the same life many of us in the developed world enjoy. A life where their children can go to school, where they can get medical care, where they can get help when disaster strikes, where they can experience the love of Jesus.
Millions of people around the world live cut-off from all this and more by either geographic barriers—like jungles, mountains, and deserts—or by social, political, or religious barriers.
MAF desires to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ by serving together to bring help, hope, and healing through aviation.
Millions of people around the world live cut-off from all this and more by either geographic barriers—like jungles, mountains, and deserts—or by social, political, or religious barriers.
MAF desires to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ by serving together to bring help, hope, and healing through aviation.

Reach Beyond
Reach Beyond is motivated to see the fulfillment of Jesus’ command to preach to make Him known in every nation, tribe, and tongue. In this age, that means reaching those who have never had the chance to hear who Jesus is and who often live in the most difficult places to do ministry. Reach Beyond is dedicated to doing just that through media, healthcare, and community development as the Voice and Hands of Jesus.

Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide. The Voice of the Martyrs continues in this mission around the world today. We regularly have speakers who share with us how God is sustaining Christian people around the world, and we pray for God’s power to protect them and to grow the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Tanzania School Support
The goal of the Gayle Lyn Kliever Student Fund is to raise and distribute scholarships directly to worthy Tanzanian students. Scholarship help will be given to those students with ability, motivation and potential. Recipients may be of any age. Priority is given to those with little or no family presence. The fund will also support worthwhile educational projects in Tanzania.

UIM Aviation
UIM Aviation provides logistic support to missionaries, Mexican and native pastors, and medical personnel who are ministering to the isolated tribal people of Mexico. In the rugged Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico, UIMA pilots fly over hundreds of people groups who are unaware of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We partner with like-minded organizations such as Bible translators, medical institutions, and local churches to efficiently reach Native people groups with the Gospel. A 24-minute flight can save up to 8-12 hours of travel by car, foot or boat. This can be life saving in critical medical evacuations.
Our Missions Offering
We tithe (12%) of all General Fund giving automatically to Missions. We also tithe (at least 10%) of year-end General Fund surplus to Missions. We also receive directed/designated giving by our congregation that is given to Missions (over our mission budget). Each mission group we support is approved as a nonprofit ministry as approved by the IRS.
In addition, gifts and volunteer work are given to causes not already highlighted to include PWCC’s year-long effort of Hope Bags, Quilting, and Courtney's Creations ministries.
In addition, gifts and volunteer work are given to causes not already highlighted to include PWCC’s year-long effort of Hope Bags, Quilting, and Courtney's Creations ministries.
Our church initiates Emergency Relief collections as needed to provide relief for tragedies worldwide, including our own country. We partner with Christian organizations (One Great Hour of Sharing, Samaritan's Purse, World Vision or Church World Service) that can most effectively get the resources to the places of need.
When a crisis occurs, the Missions ministry will determine the amount to give and the organization that is best prepared to respond to the crisis.
This list is our approved support list of recognized and approved ministries individuals may donate to through their regular offerings.
AZ Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Gayle Lyn Kliever Student Fund
Hope Bags Bibles & Materials
Neighborhood Ministries
Phoenix Dream Center
Phoenix Rescue Mission
Matt and Lori Mann (IM)
Aaron and Amy Trout (IM)
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Rainbow Acres
Reach Beyond
Samaritan's Purse
Operation Mobilization
Tonto Rim Camp
Transformation Ministries
United Indian Missions Aviation
Valley View Community Food Bank
Village Missions
Voice of the Martyrs
When a crisis occurs, the Missions ministry will determine the amount to give and the organization that is best prepared to respond to the crisis.
This list is our approved support list of recognized and approved ministries individuals may donate to through their regular offerings.
AZ Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Gayle Lyn Kliever Student Fund
Hope Bags Bibles & Materials
Neighborhood Ministries
Phoenix Dream Center
Phoenix Rescue Mission
Matt and Lori Mann (IM)
Aaron and Amy Trout (IM)
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Rainbow Acres
Reach Beyond
Samaritan's Purse
Operation Mobilization
Tonto Rim Camp
Transformation Ministries
United Indian Missions Aviation
Valley View Community Food Bank
Village Missions
Voice of the Martyrs