Why are we making the switch?

One Platform

Now our website, app and giving platform are all within Subsplash. This makes cost and user interaction more streamlined.

Save Money

Subsplash’s innovative Grow Curve offers the industry’s lowest processing rates. Saving us $1,000 our first year of use!

Fast & Secure

Not only is Subsplash certified for the highest encryption and security, but the process of giving online can also take less than one minute.

Let’s get started on switching you over!

Our desire is to make this shift simple and efficient for you. Below, are steps to help you migrate to the Subsplash Giving platform from the previous system.

STEP ONE: Let’s Get You Signed up on Subsplash!

You can setup your account by clicking the button below, we also have a short clip available that walks you through the steps.

STEP TWO: Let's cancel your recurring gift through Vanco(our previous service)

Do you have a recurring gift through Vanco?

Cancel your current recurring gift in the Vanco platform using the steps below.


Sign in to Vanco.


In the My Scheduled Transactions area, click Delete for the recurring payment.


Click on the Edit Account button.


Click on the Delete button. You will see a confirmation screen pop up asking if you’re sure you want to delete this account. Click OK.


You will now see a “No accounts to edit” message in the window. Your information has now been deleted from Vanco and you are ready to start giving with Subsplash!

That’s it! You’re all set thank you for your continued generosity at Palm West Community Church. 

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

-Ending your Vanco account will NOT impact your ability to receiving a receipt for contributions already made through Vanco this year.

-You may not be able to discontinue your recurring giving through Vanco if you are within a giving transaction window (ie. if a recurring transaction is in process has not posted at your bank or if you have made a gift via a credit card and it has not already cleared). If this occurs, you will have to revisit this process in a couple of days.

Still need help? 

Whether you are stuck in the process of switching to Subsplash Giving or just have questions about the new giving platform we would love to help. You can call us at 623-546-2980 or email us at admin@palmwestchurch.org.